Tuesdays at the Capitol

Tuesdays at the Capitol

It may seem scary, but it really isn't!!!

JOIN US! – Each Tuesday during the legislative session the Autism Advocacy & Law Center (AALC) will join with the Minnesota Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (MN-CCD) at the Capitol to help people share their stories about the importance of Intensive Early Intervention Behavior Therapy (IEIBT) services with their legislators. We absolutely need to ensure there is a community presence at the Capitol and Sheri Radoux will be there every Tuesday to help you; Sheri and Pia willing to just about to do anything to help you find the time and words you need.

When??? Every Tuesday from February 14-May 8, 2012

10:00am Welcome and introduction with MN-CCD leaders in the State Office Building Basement Cafeteria – (right side of the room)
10:30am – 12pm Meet with your legislators and share your personal story
12:00pm – 1pm (Optional) Lunch in the Department of Transportation Cafeteria
1:00pm (Optional) Advocates are encouraged to attend hearings or meet with their legislators if they were unable to do so in the morning

You will learn how to find and meet your legislators and share your personal story with your legislators. You are encouraged to set up meetings with legislators in advance and join 
us at 10 a.m. (but you are welcome to join in at any time!).

If you cannot meet with your legislator in person then please call, write or email them.
Please contact Rep. Nora Slawik nora.slawik@house.mn and Sen. Chris Eaton chrise@senate.mn the co-chairs of the recently created Autism Task Force for the State of Minnesota AND your legislators (go to www.autismvotes.org (click on Find My Legislators) or http://www.gis.leg.mn/OpenLayers/districts/).

Contact Pia Prenevost or Sheri Radoux for additional help and information.


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