February 28th Autism Advocacy Kick-Off Event!

***  Attend our event and get a chance to win a Kindle Fire

February 28th Autism Advocacy Kick-Off Event

Location: Minnesota Judicial Center
25 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther king Jr. Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55155

The event will be at the Minnesota Judicial Center, located adjacent to the State Capitol Building, beginning at 9:00am, Tuesday February 28, 2012.

The purpose of this event is to learn how anyone can contribute to the needed advocacy efforts during this legislative session. From 9:00-10:30am there will be presenters detailing what the issues are, how to identify your legislators, what to talk with them about and how we can work together to secure the necessary funding for services related to children with autism. From 10:30-12:00 we will assist you in meeting with your legislators. Detailed below are two links to use to identify who your legislators are based on your home address. If possible, please contact your legislators in advance to schedule a meeting with them on 02/28/12 directly following our event.


Throughout the 2012 Legislative Session we need to rally and advocate together to prevent cuts in coverage and to secure coverage for the treatment that children with autism deserve. This event is open to all concerned individuals including parents, friends, providers, staff and physicians. We have invited a number of legislators to attend as well. Go to http://autismdeservesinsurance.blogspot.com/ for more information!

For additional info and to rsvp your attendance contact Sheri Radoux at sheri182002@yahoo.com or Kristy Oldham at koldham@lovaas.com . Pia Prenevost, a Partners Parent, will be there to help you!!!!

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